Dev Log 3 - Production

The project for Innerstasis has been progression smoothly! The team was delayed by the reading week/design week break, and then again by two members of the team (including myself) heading to GDC for the week. The team has had to scope down in the general size of the project, and has settled on creating a short alpha version of a demo for Innerstasis. I have been working on writing up the tutorial instructions, and catching up on the general progress that team made while I was away at GDC. Thankfully, the team has had good practices implemented to ensure that even when I'm away (the producer) other aspects of development are continuing forward. We are on track to being finished with our demo goal, which will include two short RPG sections and one main card game. Anything else the team manages to complete in the final run-up to the end of the semester will be seen as extra milestones.