Dev Log - Production

The production on Innerstasis has been exciting, but also a lot of work! The entire team has spent a lot of time reworking mechanics, rewriting documentation, and exploring themes and other aspects of the design throughout the weeks. Probably what has been the most interesting part of production so far has been changing a team member on our development team. After having a member need to leave the team development, the team had to rescope and decide what major changes we were planning on making. Following this, we also ended up acquiring a new teammate. This process has been an exciting one, and getting to onboard a new team member to the project mid-development has been exciting and has brought its own unique challenges to the team. One of the most notable things about the production cycle thus far, has been playtesting and discovering what aspects of the Innerstasis work in theory, but not in practicality and getting to pivot and make changes based on playtest feedback has been an enlightening experience. Overall, the team, while behind, is on track to getting at least an alpha version of part of the game complete for the end of the semester, and the production process has definitely been both a lot of work but also extremely rewarding.