Gameplay Instructions:
Mouse Interaction only.
1. Click on either the mushroom or the start button to begin the game
2. The goal is to follow the recipe on the shelf on the right-hand side of the screen
3. Drag the purple mushroom top into the bath and watch as the first spot appears on the mushroom. A heart satisfaction will also appear in the top right.
4. Drag and drop the blueberry into the bath. Two more spots will appear on the mushroom as well as the second heart.
5. Drag and drop the bottle in. The final spot will appear on the mushroom, as well as a third heart, and a finished animation will play.
6. The three objects can be placed in the bath out of order, but it does run the risk of not all the animation sequences playing correctly. If this occurs press the restart button in the top left-hand corner. This will take you back to the main title screen to retry.